I've been using it at work for a couple years now. The OAB URL is
incorrectly detected (it picks up our external domain name), but it
works without a hitch after I modify that URL to use the local server

Did you try to delete ~/.config/evolution to start fresh? Is there
anything at all in there, especially the sources folder, after you've
tried to create an account?


On Wed, 2014-06-04 at 09:42 +0200, Magnus Therning wrote:
> I'm seeing strange behaviour in evolution when adding an EWS account,
> so I'm wondering if others are having problems with it, or if the
> blame falls squarely on the exchange server I'm trying to connect to.
> My system is up-to-date:
> % pacman -Q|grep evolution
> evolution 3.12.2-1
> evolution-data-server 3.12.2-1
> evolution-ews 3.12.2-1
> I can, seemingly successfully, configure an EWS account.  During
> config I can fetch the OAB URL, which ought to indicate that at least
> something's working as it's supposed to.  However, once I finish the
> account is nowhere to be found.  Indeed, when I restart evolution I
> get thrown back into configuring an account again.
> It would be great to hear if anyone is using the standard Arch package
> of evolutin-ews successfully.  Then I can be pretty sure that my
> problems are caused by our (rather clueless) sysadmins.
> /M


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