> if you run pacman -S gutenprint you will see this in the output:
> >>please run /usr/bin/cups-genppdupdate
> >>and restart cups deamon
> Run the command as root.

This fixed the problem, thank you for your quick reply.

In Archlinux it pays off to update in a terminal and to read the spam,
> it's also in /var/log/pacman.log.

I always use the terminal to update, sometimes the amount of spam is so
high that things get missed.  I'll remember next time to check the
pacman.log for such messages.

Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow is a mystery.
Today is a gift.
That's why its called the present.

Headmaster Squall :: The Wired/Section-9
Close the world  txen eht nepo
$3R14L 3XP3R1M3NT$ #L41N

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