Hey Mathias,

have you checked the wiki[1]? What's ``dmesg`` or ``lsusb`` printing out?



[1] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GnuPG#Smartcards
On 04.08.2014 21:18, Mathias Huber wrote:
> Dear Archers,
> I am trying to get my Gemalto USB Shell Token V2 (GPG-Smartcard-Reader
> in a USB-Stick) to work on Arch. I've set up Udev in the way I did
> successfully in Ubuntu 12.04.LTS. However, no success.
> I am still trying to figure out where the trouble lies. I can never see
> the card using
> gpg --card-status
> But sometimes I see its fields when using
> pcscs_scan.
> Possible culprits: pcscd, which sometimes gives errors, gpg's USB support?
> Has anyone had success in setting up this reader or similar smartcard
> readers? Or had similar troubles? I would love to hear from you.
> Best,
> Mathias

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