On 10/09/2014 10:04 PM, arch-general-requ...@archlinux.org wrote:
> I'm setting up an apache, php, drupal 7 site and need to be able to send 
> e-mails from the site but getting lost trying to find out what I need as far 
> as system packages, php extensions and how to configure them all. I've tried 
> a couple of scripts for php and they report they have succeeded but the test 
> mail never arrives in my inbox.
> I suspect that php & drupal are working but I need something in the way of a 
> mail server set up for them to work through.
> The Postfix was package was installed as a dependancy of something I 
> installed but the help files seem to me to require a sound understanding of 
> e-mail systems and their jargon which I don't have.
> Is there some kind soul out there who has the time and knowledge to help me 
> get this working?
> mik

i would agree with the recommendation of looking at the logs, but i
would suggest that you probably don't need any mail related packages at
all if all you want to do is send from the drupal webapp. I'm not super
familiar with drupal but most of the established cms' have
addons/modules/apps/extensions that have smtp sending built in. All you
have to do is configure it to use an external email address for sending
and it will send. So i would suggest you see what drupal has for it's
built in (or added) mailer module. Like the other person said though, if
you want to recieve mail then you're talking about setting up a mail
server. you shouldn't need anything(packages) to send from the cms,
assuming the cms has all the php extensions it requires and is
configured correctly. you may need to consult the documentation of the
script that the mailer addon uses though as some have quirks. good luck.

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