Hello everyone!

I have been working on "A Gentle Introduction to Static Typing" to be 
taught in the Arch Classroom for a little while now, and I am hoping to 
get some more feedback on the detailed outline I have before we set a 
date for the class. The class is meant to only be an hour or two long 
(but I would not be inherently against it splitting into two sessions 
as-needed if those attending feel it is needed), and so the material 
covered is fairly basic. In fact, this class, though it is a general 
introduction, is meant to be a basic groundwork lead-in to an Intro to C 
class I intend to teach later on.

The outline may be found here 
(https://gist.github.com/HalosGhost/aaf5ea068ef0f2854a3c), and all 
comments, questions, concerns and suggestions are welcome. I will be 
monitoring this thread, as well as the related BBS thread 
(https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=190788) and the comments on 
the Gist itself. Feel free to reply wherever you are most comfortable.

All the best,
Sam Stuewe (HalosGhost)

All the best,

Sam Stuewe

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