On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 9:48 PM, Marko Hauptvogel
<marko.hauptvo...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> There is afaik no
> rule that prevents /extra packages from depending on /community, but the
> number should be kept small.

As long as there is no rule (and don't get me wrong, I'm not in favour
of unnecessary bureaucracy) then there's no issue here. As packages
from [extra] depend on those in [community] I wonder whether it would
make sense for TUs and devs to coordinate rebuilds. I understand that
in the case of [core]/[extra] most devs updating a library just simply
trigger a pkgrel update for rebuilding since they have the proper
access rights, but obviously TUs don't for [core]/[extra]. Using
[community-testing] and [testing] for this purpose also comes down to
the same issue as I don't think TUs can move packages from [testing].

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