On 30/03/15 06:24, Martin S. Weber wrote:
On 2015-03-30 13:08:11, Alfredo Palhares wrote:
Any ideas how can I debug this problem further ?
Have a look at X's logfile, /var/log/Xorg.log. There should be messages that 
say the modes
are being removed, and why (not enough Vram, some parameter out of range, 
etc.). It's likely
warning or errors, so it should be among the output of egrep '\([WE]{2}\)' 

Good luck,

Hmmm... Martin, if you still have a Xorg.log it means you have a really old installation, or you installed syslog-ng and integrated it with journalctl, something that is not standard anymore. Heck, OpenSUSE just removed it of Tumbleweed, it's a sign of the times.

Alfredo, as Arch uses systemd/journalctl, you need to use the command:

    journalctl -b0 _EXE=/usr/lib/xorg-server/Xorg

If you are not in the systemd-journal group, you may need to run the command in a root shell or with sudo.

Pedro A. López-Valencia

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