> Arch has always been a simple distribution in terms of the developer
> perspective, not the user one. Using systemd made it simpler than ever
> in that regard because much more work is taken care of by both the
> systemd developers and all of the projects shipping unit files.

I find systemd easier from an user perspective too. Or ok, let say, a
sys-admin one.
And I'm talking from my >14 years profesional Linux experience. Wow,
has it been so long.
18 years since I first installed Linux (Slackware 3, Debian 2.2,
RedHat, Mandrake, Slackware, Arch
- now using Arch for my laptop/desktop, Debian and Ubuntu on servers,
sometimes Centos/RHEL).

And I can hardly wait for distros to standardize on networkd too. Finally some
long needed standardization in the basic setup of a Linux system.


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