
> More generally, what do you mean by "work-flow", and how have DEs like
> KDE and Gnome broken "the work-flow" in the past?

By being buggy and lacking features. When I switched to Plasma 5 several
things that I regularly used stopped working, among them:

- Plasmas calendar widget (the one opened from the tray) did not contain
  week numbers anymore. I often consulted that widget when scheduling
  meetings with other people. I had to switch to other calendars, and
  this feature hasn't come back yet.

- Pressing Ctrl+Space in konsole registered as Space (in Emacs this is
  an essential combination as it sets the mark). This has been fixed since.

- Pressing Ctrl+Alt+Space in konsole registers as Ctrl+Space (in Emasc
  Ctrl+Alt+Space is mark-sexp, one that I regularly use in all kinds of
  modes). This hasn't been fixed yet.

Those three are just from the top of my hat and required changes in my
way of doing things. The first one is only annoying, the second one
forced me to work with a different terminal emulator for the time being
though, and the last one requires workarounds that I have to actively
think about to use. I'd rather have done without any of those.

Kind regards,

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