On Sat, 2016-02-13 at 13:47 +0100, Carsten Mattner wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 13, 2016 at 10:49 AM, PeLo L <pel...@outlook.com> wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > 
> > I've followed the arch wiki and deployed a full disk encrypted
> > install.
> > Everything works fine and am able to boot properly into the
> > install.
> > While trying to shutdown my system, systemd displays an error
> > which says "systemd: stopped (with error)  /dev/mapper/crypt-boot".
> > 'crypt-boot' is the device mapper name for the encrypted boot
> > partition. Could someone explain this. Do I need to be concerned
> > of any data loss in the boot partition?
> I've seen this on old and newly installed root-luks systems myself.
> Here it's always dm1 and I'm not sure if it's luks-root or luks-swap,
> but it looks like a bug in systemd or one of the units because this
> appeared sometime in the last 6 months or less.

I have also seen this issue come up on my system. It doesn't seem to
affect anything except causing a slightly longer shutdown time. Still,
would be good to see this fixed.

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