On 21 March 2016 at 23:22, David C. Rankin
<drankina...@suddenlinkmail.com> wrote:
>   What is the current policy for having wiki-contributions re-written? I have
> been a wiki-contributor for years, I've more than 28 years Unix/Linux
> ...

There is no policy per se that helps anyone here. Whatever little
write-up I have contributed (in a few cases entire pages) may have in
turn been rewritten by someone else over the years.

Sometimes this may be frustrating but that's how open wikis work, and
sometimes it's helpful (if the edits are of good quality). We do lock
some pages but those are special-purpose articles (e.g.

>   When I first began using Arch in '09, the pages were written such that you
> could fully-complete whatever task the page addressed without bouncing around
> from page-to-page hunting for all the pieces of the puzzle. That is no longer
> the case.

I do agree the quality of the wiki has diminished (when I take a look
now and compare with what we had in the past I can tell) but perhaps
that's the result of more contributors and more information.

My only advice is that if you're frustrated, leave it and let it grow
in whichever way the community takes it. Otherwise, I'm sure there are
some moderators keeping a look out (but even they can't keep track of


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