All, After updates, I was investigating the removal of Arch-specific FT2_SUBPIXEL_HINTING from freetype2 (enabling infinality patch) and I was looking at the changes on the svntogit/package.git page, e.g. At the top of the page there is a Diffstat graph showing a horizontal bar graph of red/green bars on the right side of the graph, e.g. Diffstat -rw-r--r-- trunk/0001-Enable-table- validation-modules.patch 18 ====== -rw-r--r-- trunk/0002-Enable-subpixel- rendering.patch 10 ==== -rw-r--r-- trunk/0003-Enable-infinality- subpixel-hinting.patch 27 ========= -rw-r--r-- trunk/0003-Make-subpixel-hinting- mode-configurable.patch 88 ===========.. -rw-r--r-- trunk/0004-Keep-default-interpreter- version-as-35.patch 29 ==========... -rw-r--r-- trunk/PKGBUILD 36 ==========... -rw-r--r-- trunk/freetype2.install 15 ===== -rw-r--r-- trunk/ 12 ==== ^ ^ | | +---------------+ this information What is 'this information' on the graph showing? Lines added/deleted? Votes for change? -- David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.