Thanks guys.

Fortunately, I was able to remember the old password for the "Login"
keyring.  So I was able to change it from within Seahorse (the "Passwords
and Keys" application program in Gnome).  So that problem is solved.

But . . .  while in Seahorse, I realized that in the "Certificates" section
on the left side of the window, there was another folder with a lock icon,
labeled "Gnome 2 Key Storage".  There seem to be no entries showing within

The "Gnome 2 Key Storage" folder can only be locked or unolcked with the
OLD password, not the NEW password.  And it can not be changed or deleted
from within Seahorse.

I am using Gnome 3, so I don't know why it is there, but I don't know if it
can be removed, and even if so, then how?

And I do wish that I could at least change the password for it, since I
hate to keep track of an old password just in case I need to use it to
unlock the folder sometime.

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