On Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 2:35 PM, Ralf Mardorf <silver.bul...@zoho.com>

> On Fri, 28 Oct 2016 15:12:54 +0300, Alex Theotokatos wrote:
> >On 10/28/2016 02:30 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> >> has somebody successfully used LightsScribe on an up-to-date 64bit
> >> Arch Linux install?
> >>
> >> Yesterday I tried to do it on Arch (4.8.4-1-ARCH 64bit, FWIW
> >> threadirqs) and another 64bit distro without success. Later I used
> >> another old 64bit bit distro's release for lack of time to
> >> lightscribe a DVD. FWIW it works on a very old Ubuntu Quantal 12.10
> >> (kernel 3.6.5-rt14 64bit) install, official unsupported since 2½
> >> years ago.
> >>
> >If you refer to:
> >https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/lightscribe/
> >which is for:
> >http://www.lightscribe.com/
> >I don't see their site is working. Dead project? I don't know.
> >Wait a couple of days so their website will function again.
> No, I don't refer to an AUR PKGBUILD for 32bit architecture. AFAIK
> http://www.lightscribe.com/ is not just temporarily down. As already
> pointed out, I'm using 64bit architecture. While I indeed used the
> 64bit LightScribe architecture PKGBUILDs from AUR, named bin32-*, e.g.
> bin32-lightscribe, I even don't refer to those PKGBUILDs. Getting the
> software isn't the problem. The AUR package does use
> http://www.pawtec.com , but I also used http://www.yardbird.net , to
> get the software.
> I'm interested, if somebody gets LightScribe working on an up-to-date
> 64bit Arch Linux, not necessarily using AUR PKGBUILDs.
> Regards,
> Ralf

Looks like archive.org has a more recent version, dunno if it works, tho.



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