On Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 8:21 PM Lukas Jirkovsky via arch-general <
arch-general@archlinux.org> wrote:

> I use only the ssh agent forwarding ("ForwardAgent yes" in
> .ssh/config). On pkgbuild.com I build packages using the *-*-build as
> always. When a package is built, I use a script [1] that downloads the
> binary packages, signs them and uploads the signatures back to
> pkgbuild.com. That way I can use communitypkg on pkgbuild.com to
> upload everything.

I've got something very similar, except:

I only check out the trunks on soyuz. I change the PKGBUILD, build and
commit there.

A local script then runs archco, rsyncs the packages from soyuz to local,
rsyncs the packages from soyuz to orion, then locally runs commitpkg to
sign and release the packages.

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