Based on the given links and comments I could not
decide on a clear course of action.

If only we w'd have continuous builds of Chromium in
the Ozone-Wayland implementation. Buying a Chromebook
may not be the worst idea after all.

At least this sounds promising:

Or maybe I'll decide on a read-only filesystem, which
is inconvenient and unsuitable for me and my two
simple little laptops running 'n rolling Arch.

Maarten Baert write (in 2014):
> As long as Wayland isn't used together with some
> form of sandboxing, holes in the underlying system
> won't protect you from keyloggers.

As an amateur, it is hard for me to identify likely
attack vectors. I would like to see a package with
a ran{somware,domness} detection daemon in the
official repos, and learn more about machine learning
security models.

Have there been cases of X client mimicry or click-
jacking? I sure a compositor doesn't care about that.

I'm particularly cautious about GUI clicking...

I often look at the source of a web page, or use
a browser extension that allows me to automatically
scrape the target url, as opposed to clicking, which
could trigger anything beyond control. So I'm not
sure about the idea presented here:

Steve D. Lazaro wrote:
> It’s important to separate authentication from
> authorisation so that spoofing does not compromise
> valuable tokens. (...) An authorisation token is
> typically a one-time use object generated by
> a trusted authority (the compositor) and used by
> the system controlling access to privileged
> interfaces (the WSM). Such tokens can be
> distributed by having the user interact with an
> authorisation UI controlled by the compositor.

I've written down an silly idea (off topic) in
a gist: "Can password typing in the browser
         be made less obvious for a keylogger?"

I've been unsharing and chrooting for a while.
I think I'll symlink most of my configs to a read
only folder, owned by a 'myname.conf' user, and I'll
try and read more about SElinux, MACs etc.

cheers, Bart

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