On Wed, 8 Mar 2017 22:49:27 -0500, Eli Schwartz via arch-general wrote:
>I cannot, in fact, explain what is insecure about
>https://aur.archlinux.org/login/ but this is probably because it works
>perfectly for me...
>You are dreaming. Please wake up.

In 7 days the screenshot automatically gets deleted, so you've got 7
days to share the dream:


>[1] Safe Browsing (since renamed to the far more accurate Phishing
>Protection) has *nothing* to do with security[2].

It has to do with security for the user.

1. It adds    security since users gets warned against evil webpages.
2. It removes security since providing this feature is coupled with
   data mining, spying.

However, I referred to Chrome's security features, not to safe browsing.
If somebody has got no concerns against e.g. Googel's safe browsing,
then why not taking advantage of Chrome's sandboxing?

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