On Sun, 23 Apr 2017 08:23:29 +0200
Ralf Mardorf <silver.bul...@zoho.com> wrote:

> On Sat, 22 Apr 2017 23:04:58 +0100, pete nikolic via arch-general wrote:
> >started happening around 2 months ago but have not been able to pin
> >down exactly which update caused the failure
> >vdpau_display vout display error  
> Have you googled for "vdpau display vout display error"? I'm asking,
> because you didn't mention what exactly you already have done, to pin
> down the culprit. Don't read just Arch related posts, consider to also
> read e.g. Ubuntu related posts, if Arch related posts shouldn't cover
> this issue for the same graphics.
> Have you e.g. ensured that regarding the driver everything is ok?
> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Hardware_video_acceleration#Installing_VDPAU
> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/downgrading_packages
> /var/log/pacman.log helps you to search for packages that might have to
> do with the issue.

Hi Ralf .

Yes been there it was the first place i looked when the issue first showed up  
one of the problems is i have no real way of knowing exactly when this issue 
occurd  althou i update the system every day i do not always use the tv card or
want/need to watch a video  . 

I am not even sure which package/s would have an effect like this  around the 
time i had a cut&paste issue that prevented me doing cut&paste using the mouse 
has now rectified itself but the video issue still keeps me looking for the fix 

Thanks   Pete .

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