On 09/25/2017 09:33 AM, Ismael Bouya wrote:
>> Well, I'm sad to tell you, that I'm experiencing the issues again with
>> 234.11-9, but didn't with 234.11-8 or 234.11-6.
>> This is getting pretty random, untracable and annoying... :(
>> Especially, as there is no "real change"[1] between the last pkgrels...
> Thanks. I searched a little longer and found that:
> https://github.com/tmux/tmux/issues/1001
> So we can now cross fingers and wait until 2.6...
> In the meantime, if you keep at least one session open all the time, the
> problem is much less frequent (In my case, I have a mosh session open
> all the time from my phone to the server, which kind of helps). Still
> annoying, but less frequent.

Bugreport opened on our tracker, so this fix may get backported. ;)


Eli Schwartz

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