On 9/30/18 12:47 AM, Christian Hesse wrote:
Genes Lists via arch-general <arch-general@archlinux.org> on Thu, 2018/09/27
On 9/27/18 7:04 AM, leoutat...@gmx.fr wrote:

If you have further news, feel free to share. :)
Mariadb 10.2 and 10.3 are available in all distro except Arch

The link Eli provided references lots of client programs having problems
- but I didn't find a list of which client programs.

We encountered random failures in different client... And did not record an
exact list. Possibly most of this was fixed in later version - I did not
check in detail.

I do build packages for recent versions of MariaDB from time to time. Still
failing is perl-dbd-mysql with its extensive test suite, that was my primary
test case.

Due to unaddressed issues with MariaDB (and Unicode) the original DBD::mysql
was forked into DBD::MariaDB [0]. Possibly we should have a look on whether or
not replacing this package is an option... But if I understand correctly this
brings new incompatibility.

[0] https://metacpan.org/pod/DBD::MariaDB

Thanks for this explanation.
Perl-dbd-mysql is a mysql module  necessary for xtrabackup.
May you replace xtrabackup with other backup tool?
Here, they say MariaDB Backup, included with MariaDB 10.1.23 and later, is a fork of xtrabackup.
Question: is it necessary to keep xtrabackup?

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