El lun., 26 ago. 2019 a las 14:48, Olli (<o...@suruatoel.xyz>) escribió:
> On 26.08.19 14:30, ProgAndy wrote:
> >Am 26.08.19 um 13:47 schrieb Maykel Franco via arch-general:
> >> Many thanks Ralph, it works, but... Is possible launch the command in
> >> my server?
> > […] You can run a local server that copies everything it receives to
> > the clipboard. Then set up ssh remote port forwarding and send
> > clipboard data to this port.
> How about these two alternatives:
> 1) Use “termite” as terminal and select and copy text with its selection
> mode¹ using either the keyboard or the mouse.
> 2) Run “ssh” from within “neovim” by using its terminal emulator² and
> select and copy text with the regular vim commands (visual mode, yank).
> Regards,
> Olli
> ¹ https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Termite#Usage
> ² https://neovim.io/doc/user/nvim_terminal_emulator.html

Many thanks, it works.

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