On Mon, 16 Sep 2019 19:11:48 +0200
Guus Snijders via arch-general <arch-general@archlinux.org> wrote:

> Op ma 16 sep. 2019 10:45 schreef pete via arch-general <
> arch-general@archlinux.org>:
> > Morning folks
> >
> > I have just done a complete new install on a new drive , That is all
> > working now fine .
> >
> > My problem comes when trying to include another drive on the system
> > , it just refuses to boot fully , I get a message unable to mount
> > sda2 now sda2 mounts  ,
> > /dev/sda2 on / type xfs (rw,relatime,attr2,inode64,noquota)
> >  
> Hmm, sda2 should be on disk1, but xfs uses UUID's also (I think).
> Could it be an UUID conflict?
> Can you attach that 2nd drive another way, like in an USB enclosure
> or even another PC?
> Mvg, Guus

Hi Folks 

Well just to fill in a few bit  ..

I use syslinux to boot the machine no Windows  no UEFI the system is
too old for that .

BUT any how i have solved the problem and its the one i did not want to
find  3 of the 4 sata ports on the mother board are shot 1 works fine
port 4 port 3 throws up errors ports 2 and 1 just cause the boot
problem so i will be need to replace the mother board  shame because
the CPU is fin AMD Phenom II quad core so need a replacement board to
suit .

Thanks for all the help anyways  folks 

Pete .
now not an appy bunny 
 ho humm

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