Another proper consideration is continuity of development.  If a death
causes a shell to become abandonware as a result of a developer failing
to arrange for another to take the project on updates if they happen at
all will take some time.

On Wed, 17 Jun 2020, Piscium via arch-general wrote:

> Date: Wed, 17 Jun 2020 15:27:29
> From: Piscium via arch-general <>
> To: General Discussion about Arch Linux <>
> Cc: Piscium <>
> Subject: Re: [arch-general] dash as default shell?
> On Wed, 17 Jun 2020 at 20:19, Kusoneko <> wrote:
> > Pretty much this, to be honest. I don't really see the point of changing 
> > everyone's /bin/sh for one person's personal preference when there isn't 
> > really any point in doing so to begin with.
> The reasons Ubuntu switched in 2006 and Debian in 2011 were speed,
> less bugs and more security. A simple benchmark I ran with several
> shells using konsole (which is one of the fastest terminals according
> to my simple benchmarks):
> time ls -R /
> ? dash 8.45
> ? zsh 8.53 (1 % bigger)
> ? bash 17.1
> ? fish 19.55
> Times are in seconds, on my desktop that has a spinning drive. The
> first time it takes longer as the system caches stuff so the times
> above are after running a few times. I read that in some benchmarks
> dash is up to 4 times faster than bash.


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