postgresql-check-db-dir seems to be broken? When I execute:

> postgresql-check-db-dir data

it reports: An old version of the database format was found. Anyone
facing the same issue?

On Fri, 2020-11-13 at 10:36 +0100, ente wrote:
> Hi,
> since the upgrade of postgress from 11.9 to 12.5 I am having issues
> starting up using the systemd service file.
> When I do:
> > su postgres
> > postgress -D data
> it works great. When I do
> > systemctl start postgresql
> I get: An old version of the database format was found.
> Checking the database version shows it is on 12. So obviously the
> systemd unit file seems to point postgres to an unexpected location.
> My system file is pointing to a non-standard location according to
> the
> arch wiki:
> [Service]
> Environment=PGROOT=/pathto/pgroot
> PIDFile=/pathto/pgroot/data/
> Anyone else facing the same issue? Any suggestions?

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