The wiki has gotten more difficult to find useable material over the years
with lynx.  Many controls on it don't work since javascript supports and
runs that wiki and lynx will never do javascript.  The first time I
accessed that installation_guide several years ago, the wiki had no
sidebar on it.

-- Jude <jdashiel at panix dot com> "There are four boxes to be used in
defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that
order." Ed Howdershelt 1940.

On Tue, 29 Aug 2023, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

> Hi,
> the download page as well as the installation guide describe what to do.
> I didn't copy the description, the details are provided by those links.
> "[...] With this key the signature can be verified like this:
> sq [...]" -
> "1.2 Verify signature
> [...] gpg" -
> Regards,
> Ralf

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