On Thu, 11 Jan 2024 15:25:57 +0100
Ralf Mardorf <ralf-mard...@riseup.net> wrote:

> On Thu, 2024-01-11 at 09:34 +0000, pete wrote:
> > for  the record  the Drives are all ok  memory  tested out ok   . see
> > what happens  if it starts acting up again
> Hi,
> while I'm using only internal SSDs, no HDDs anymore, since many years, I
> still don't have experiences with SSD failures. My desktop PC is quasi
> 24/7/365 up, with just short interruptions.
> Is your Arch install on a SSD? If so, there's probably an issue related
> to the "flash retention time".
> If an SSD is not supplied with power, it loses data relatively quickly
> even in the best condition. You can sometimes read that six months could
> already be too long. I believe that when SSDs become old, the period of
> time in which they can safely retain data without a power supply is
> shortened. Reading about this just happens to be on my to-do list, just
> like booting up my old desktop PC that hasn't been connected to the
> mains for months, maybe even longer than half a year.
> As it's on my todo list, I don't have any knowledge yet. It's just a
> guess that an old or somehow damaged SSD might look good, pass write and
> read tests, but the margin in which it can hold data without power might
> be very, very short at some point.
> Regards,
> Ralf

Hi Ralf no it is all 3.5 hdd's  there are 3  2Tb and 2 1 Tb

Bit slow by modern standards but UK pensions make it difficult to justify
SSD's right now  i would like replace my grapichs card as well but something
remotely like this  an ATI R390 is way out of my pocket


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