On Mon, 2024-01-22 at 13:57 +0000, pete wrote:
> Yes KDE plasma[...]
> it pasted click left & right together  that pasted it


I didn't know about a "left & right together" option. Google, DDG and
Co. search terms are something like

    right+left button simulating middle button


    emulate middle mouse button


   remapping middle-mouse button

Some threads might be way to old, other might rely on X, but I don't
know if KDE override such X settings. However, consider to use a search
engine and to test some hints.

There is a Wiki that I found by googling for

  arch linux mouse buttons


Unfortunately it contains banners such as

"The factual accuracy of this article or section is disputed."


"This article or section is out of date."

Disclaimer, I did not read the Wiki, I just googled and saw the banners
and I don't know if it mentions the emulation of  middle mouse button at

Also consider to sent requests to https://discuss.kde.org/ and/or
https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde .


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