On 11/01/11 20:57, Peter Simons wrote:
> Hi Magnus,
>> So, what are your thoughts.  Should I continue hacking on this?
> there already is a tool that can figure out which versions of a given set of
> packages are compatible with each other: cabal-install.  The code of that
> utility features an algorithm to compute something that's called
> "InstallPlan". In my humble opinion, that is what we should use to maintain
> our PKGLIST.

Thanks for pointing out that option for the implementation.

> Unfortunately, cabal-install doesn't have a library interface that we could
> access, so to get that done we would have to hack that tool, or we would
> have to convince Duncan to hack it for us. Either way, I feel that it's more
> sensible to re-use that existing code (which is being developed and
> maintained by the community) rather than re-inventing all this from scratch.

Implementation details aside, do you think that such a tool would be useful?


Magnus Therning                      OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4
email: mag...@therning.org   jabber: mag...@therning.org
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