Hi all,

please find the rendered meeting minutes here: 

The raw markdown below:

# 2022-08-03 repod meeting

Date: 2022-08-03T17:00:00Z
Location: Jitsi
Scribe: brett

## Attendees

* dvzrv
* wCPO
* luna
* polyzen
* brett

## Agenda

### 0.2.0 Milestone

The [0.2.0 

* Consolidation of the management repositories
* More mtadata parsing/management (#20) (#39)
* Debug repositories
* Using sha256sum to make checking out pkgbuilds easier

### Debug repositories
The feature for tracking debug repositories of package repositories has
been merged
It is now possible to target the debug repository of a package
repository (e.g. move data of consumed package to respective directory
in the management repository layout).

### .BUILDINFO data in management repository
Work has started for adding relevant .BUILDINFO data to the management
([#20](https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/repod/-/issues/20)). While
the change is fairly trivial, adapting tests to cover this is more

### Source URL tracking in management repository
A ticket [#39](https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/repod/-/issues/39)
in the current milestone concerns itself with the tracking of the
upstream source URL (the version controlled upstream of the PKGBUILD
from which a given pkgbase has been built). It still needs further
discussion and refinement, as the workflow around this feature is not
yet established.

### Checks on package consumption
The checks done on package consumption by dbscripts are currently not
translated or implemented by repod. Levente has promised to look into
this to create tickets for repod which will track the checks required
during package consumption.

### Sphinx improvements

Polyzen offered to look into sphinx related documentation improvements
(e.g. [#77](https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/repod/-/issues/77)
and [#78](https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/repod/-/issues/78)) in
the current milestone.

### Thoughts on current and future design

While the current milestone concerns itself with the consolidation of
management and package repository data and actions, the upcoming
milestone is about implementing a git-based backend for the management

Changes in the current milestone (e.g.
[#20](https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/repod/-/issues/20)) and
upcoming changes in pacman (making `pgpsig` a non-required field in the
sync databases) show, that it will not be possible to retain the current
functionality of allowing a roundtrip from sync database to management
repository and back to sync database, as the sync database will not
contain all the data required for the management repository anymore.

### Walkthrough

Dvzrv did a code walkthrough of the current repository, outlining the
various functionality contained in it.
A short example of importing a package file into the directory structure
maintained by repod has been show-cased as well.

### Q&A

Q: "Is the plan to use git instead of subversion for packages?""
A: Yes, the eventual plan is to move package build sources and package
repository state management to gitlab.archlinux.org.



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