No, I've been using udev for quite some time, and I reconfirmed by doing a full install just in case it was some odd upgrade sideffect.
To describe in detail what happens, when I plug my Shuffle in, g-v-m does not recognize it as removable media to auto mount. So, in Computer, the icon does get created there, and if I double click it, it mounts to /media/sda1.
Previous behaviour in Gnome on Arch (and other distros that I have personally confirmed) automount (no clicking in Computer necessary, and nothing other than g-v-m running) it in /media/ipod.
Anyone else with a Shuffle care to try??

Andrew Conkling wrote:
On 10/5/05, Anton Paulic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all,

Up until the latest big update, my iPod shuffle would mount correctly at
/media/ipod and now it seems hal/dbus/udev want to mount it at /media/sda1.
What happened and how can I correct it?

AFAIK, this would happen if that update was the first time you
switched to udev.  If so, I'm pretty sure your best bet would be to
use something udev/hal-aware to automount to /media/ipod.  I've been
using ivman for a while:

(IIRC there's also an Arch wiki how-to for Ivman, but as the site's
down ATM I can't get to it.  You could try your luck when the site's
back up.)

And, as usual on here, my usual disclaimer applies that I don't know
everything. :-)


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