Your description is basically what i do.

I have like 3 machines that basically do NAT and transparent proxying 
(ala SQUID) on three client networks. I ignorepkg = iptables, squid, 
kernel26 on all three of them.

Since my laptop also runz Arch, i always upgrade my laptop first... and 
find out if things work ok... (i had problems once upgrading SQUID). 
Once its cool on my laptop... i log into the servers and upgrade too :)

Pretty painless... one of them has been going since Arch 0.5, the other 
two were installed with 0.6.

No problems what so ever here.



Doug Jolley wrote:
> Thanks again for all the thoughts.  It occurs to me that one never 
> really *HAS* to update.  There's no-one holding a gun to your head.  So, 
> I'm thinking that maybe *A* way to proceed is to maintain a test server 
> that has all of the packages installed that we would normally install on 
> a production server.  As packages are updated I can install them on the 
> test server and once I feel good about that I can then install them on 
> the production servers.  The goal is to try to keep all the servers on 
> Current as far as is practical but do so in an orderly manner.  That 
> would give me the option of saying at any point (for whatever reason) 
> that I just really don't want to update this particular package right 
> now.  So, in a sense, it's a bit like maintaining my own repo as has 
> been suggested.  I have a feeling that instances of not wanting to 
> update a particular package for an extended period would be pretty darn 
> rare.
> Also it occurs to me that what we're talking about here is how to get 
> from A to B.  In one case the transition is going to be made by pretty 
> much mainting A for an extended period of time with only bug fixes and 
> security patches applied in the interim and then upgrading to B in one 
> fell swoop.  The other approach is by making little incremental changes 
> along the way.  In both cases, what happens is that we move from A to 
> B.  The thing is that while the first approach tends to hold things 
> fairly stable over a longer period of time, the reality is that 
> ultimately one is going to have to move to B in one fell swoop and there 
> may be problems with that.
> In any event, I think the thing for me to do is to take a couple of my 
> least mission critical servers and give it a shot.  I really want to use 
> Arch because I like it *SO* much better than anything else.
> Thanks for the input.
>           ... doug
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