On 1/24/06, Andrew Conkling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 1/23/06, Pierluigi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 2006/1/23, Andrew Conkling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > >
> > > Thanks for the update.  I couldn't find the according mailing list
> > > message.  What does the performance have to do with?  I had a bear of
> >
> > >From the Spike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, in the [ck] ml:
> >
> > "I've been noticing very slow disk speeds lately since the 2.6.15-ck1
> > and onwards. Doing a 'cat /dev/Xda > /dev/null' only pulled about 20MB/s
> > out of all 3 of my hard drives. I rebooted and then did the test again,
> > instead I looked at 'watch free'. So when I try the same test again, I
> > get the full 60+mb/s (almost 70) out of the drives.... that is UNTIL
> > the free physical memory got all used up in the cache, thats when it
> > went back down to the much slower 20mb/s."
> Ah, cheers.  Hmm, a little more looking and it looks like this isn't a
> problem with Reiser (my main FS), but is for others (like my media
> player).  Maybe I'll roll back or switch to the Arch kernel for a few
> days.  Any word on an update for kernel26archck?

Looks like everyone wants it, so I might have to upgrade it.

I was hoping for a CK3 release in the next few days, so I wouldnt have
to do a seperate hotfix release and use further bandwidth.


iphitus - ArchCK Maintainer, Arch Trusted User.

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