On Tuesday 23 January 2007 21:37:40 RedShift wrote:
> Hello all
> I've got a fairly simple problem. I have server1 which is located in
> DC1, and I have server2 which is located in DC2. The problem is the
> routing at DC2 blows. The only good connection is the one from DC2 to DC1.
> Both servers have a public IP address. So what I'm trying to achieve
> here, is letting server1 be a "gateway" to server2. Let's take this
> information:
> server1: IP and
> server2: IP
> now what I want, is that IS server So if you
> are connecting to, you are actually connecting to
>, as if it were the next hop.
> Now on #iptables the suggestion was NAT, but NAT does incur processing
> overhead. Because we are trying to lower the time it takes to reach
> server2, processing must be kept at a minimum.
> Now all this has to be IP-based, because both servers only have one
> interface to the internet.
> Maybe someone is in a similar scenario? Are there other ways besides NAT
> to accomplish this?
> Thanks for your time,
> Glenn
> (Note: the IP addresses are examples, I just typed them randomly, they
> might lead to actual machines but that was not my intention)
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If you want the connection to be seemless from the second ip in server1 you 
will need to do a DNAT to the second ip.

If DNAT is out of the question, then you will just need to make sure that you 
have a route to the server2 in the server1 and activate forwarding to that 
ip... but that will only work if you set server 1 as a literal gateway to 
server 2 ( useless ).

I might advice you to figure out why your server doesn't go outside its 
network correctly, might be something as simple as domain or route errors.

Guillermo A. Amaral, BCSE
@ site: http://www.guillermoamaral.com/
@ blog: http://blog.guillermoamaral.com/
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