Jürgen Hötzel wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 24, 2007 at 04:40:15PM -0500, joe henderson wrote:
>> All,
>> Is there a way to turn on gzips "larger file size" bit in the install?
> gzip needs to be patched to use O_LARGEFILE.

Has anyone filed a bug for this yet?  If not, please let me know and 
I'll file one.

I just tested unzipping a > 4GB tarball and found that gunzip is indeed 
barfing on it.

BTW, bzip2 is NOT a solution here.  It's *VERY* much slower than gzip.

> Workaround, using
> shell-redirection:
> gzip <in.tar  >/tmp/out.tar.gz
> Jürgen

Hmmm ... not sure I grok why this is different.  Anyone want to hit me 
with a cluestick?


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