>> "Kernel Panic:  can not sync root"
>> ( i use "ReiserFS" as my root filesystem & "boot" partition is
>> seperate as "ext2")

> It's probably been a while since you've updated.

what does that mean? (my English is weak)

> Did you change your bootloader to use the correct initcpio image?

NO, i did not know that. IIRC, there is no information (in Arch Wiki)
regarding this, i mean Arch Wiki or even Google does carry any
information that after "pacman -Syu" one needs to *edit* his
bootloader configuration file.

> For example, with grub, you'd need to add

> initrd /boot/kernel26.img

> below your entry, assuming you're using kernel26.  don't know how
> that'd work with lilo though.

i use GRUB, i will try your idea. i will have to install Arch again to
see that if it works, if it does not, i will spend whole 2 days in
creating my system again.

thanks Traviso


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