On Tue, 2007-01-30 at 17:33 -0500, joe henderson wrote:
> All,
> I have a compaq prolient. with a smart array 5i raid card.
> I used both 0.7.1 and 0.7.2 cd's to detect the array..
> 0.7.2 detected the array however did not create the drives.
> Here's what i've done so far...
>     -- Booted 0.7.2
>     -- did not run "/arch/setup"
>     -- ran "modprobe cciss"
>     -- checked "dmesg" for drives
>     -- Created dir "/dev/cciss"
>     -- Listed the partitions in "cat /proc/partitions"
>        -- found "104 0 /dev/cciss/c0d0"
>     -- Did a "mknod /dev/cciss/c0d0 b 104 0"
>     -- Created Partitions in "cfdisk"
>     -- repeated process.. for every partition
>     -- I can't get "/arch/setup" to see the partitions or even
>           the array I created..
> Any Ideas?
> Joe

It's because the setup only supports /dev/sd*, /dev/hd* and some
software RAID or devicemapper configurations.

You could try out the 0.8 prerelease images, support for weird disk
configurations has been improved in that one.

Another option you can do is using the quickinst script which is
included on the setup CD. The script installs a base installation of
archlinux on a specified mountpoint. You will have to take care of
filesystems, kernels, configuration files and grub yourself with that
installation method.

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