This does not seem of interest to any of you, sadly...

Anyway it works perfectly (modified boot script attached, add it to 
NoUpgrade if you use it).
You only have to add one user before restarting ipw3945d : useradd 
ipw3945d -s /bin/false

Gabriel Linder wrote:
> Hi list,
> I don't like to run something like this as root, so after some research 
> I found this url[1]. It seems to imply very minor modifications to the 
> boot script, and creating a user of course :-)
> I will try to apply this tomorrow (and report feedback if someone here 
> is interested), but I wonder if this shouldn't be made the default... 
> May I file a feature request with the bootscript diff when everything 
> works ?
> By the way I suppose that any user-id less than 1000 is reserved for 
> system use, so I can't create a user ipw3945d with uid lesser than 1000 
> without conflicting one day with Arch ?
> [1] :

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