On 2/6/07, MaLiK <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there any way to change MAC address in startup scripts.
> I know that i can put in rc.local but then i must
> restart the network daemon from /etc/rc.d/network restart.
> I have change the /etc/network-profiles/main this line
> HWADDR="ether 00:00:00:00:00:00"
> zeros are only for example.
> and the /usr/bin/netcfg script and add
> three lines
> if [ "$HWADDR" ]; then
>         ifconfig $INTERFACE down
>         ifconfig $INTERFACE hw $HWADDR
>         ifconfig $INTERFACE up
> fi
> but i must do this everytime the init-scripts
> are uptadeted.
> Is there any chance that in nest update
> will be improvment like mine??
> Thanks
> MaLiK
> P.S. Sorry for my english.
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See the IFOPTS option in network-profile? You can specify the MAC
address in it. Just like this:

# Interface Settings (use IFOPTS="dhcp" for DHCP)
IFOPTS="hw ether 00:E0:4C:4C:F7:6E netmask

It's just an example above. I use this setting at home so I can ensure
that it works.
You can change the setting by yourself, only keeping the "hw ether"
setting first.

P.S. Sorry for my english, too. :(

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