On Sat, Feb 10, 2007 at 11:19:54AM +0800, Lee MaRS wrote:
> I am using the latest Azureus and JRE/JDK 1.6. It sounds that
> the SWT library is older than what Azureus needs. When you run Azureus
> you will get this warning:
> [alert] Alert:3:SWT library loaded from "/usr/share/java/swt" can't be
> automatically updated from version 3235 to 3318 (must be loaded from
> "/usr/share/azureus"). Please see <A
> HREF="http://azureus.aelitis.com/wiki/index.php/SWT_Cant_Auto_Update";>the
> wiki</A> for details.
> [GUI] SWT update aborted due to previously reported issues regarding
> its install location
> So I think it may need some fixes on it...

Don't worry about it, everything seems to still work. The SWT update
message goes away after the first run. Also, our SWT version (3.2.1) is
the latest stable release of SWT, so there isn't much I can do.

Simo Leone
Arch Linux Developer

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