В сообщении от 13 февраля 2007 JJDaNiMoTh написал(a):

> I think that the advice is clear: the bug for series 8.1 ( that is
> used by ArchLinux ) is resolved in the 8.1.7 - 8.1.8 release.
> Recompiling and installing postgresql 8.1.8 doesn't require a full
> dump and restore.
> We don't need to upgrade to 8.2 series for security. I'm secure that
> devs know when a major update ( from 8.1 to 8.2 ) is needed; but this
> isn't our work. Right?

Perfectly right! I only talk about myself :)

> I am not a dev, but upgrading package it isn't simple, like you describe.

Upgading official package in repo - yes, upgrading package on personal 
machine - till now i have not see any glitches.

> Yes, your method works, but devs must do a lot of other thing, before
> officially upgrading package ( like test if other apps work with newer
> version ).
> These advices only suggest at devs that exist a security patch o a
> security update for specify package. For other thing exists an
> "out-of-date" flag on cvs web interface.

I not raising objections against your advice :)
All I want to say - if someone wants more security - he must care himself in 
first time. I'm not against your advice, and you right.

And excuse me for bad english :)

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