On 10/1/07, Judd Vinet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> It's been awhile since I poked my head out to say hi, and now that I
> have, it with an air of finality.
> I plan to step down as leader of Arch Linux and pass the torch.  The
> reason for this is that I do not have the time to devote towards a
> leadership role in a project the size of Arch Linux, and Arch deserves
> someone who does.  It needs some work, it needs some unification, and
> it needs someone at the helm who can devote a lot of time to it.
> This has been a very successful project, and I'd like to stay in it in
> some facet, but not as the leader.  Arch has met all my hopes and
> goals from way back in 2001, and I think it's in a ripe position for
> someone else to extend those goals and to map out a future for the
> distribution.
> I've given it a lot of thought, and based on the state of things,
> all-round competencies, initiatives, and willingness, I would like to
> pass this leadership role on to Aaron Griffin, also known as Phrakture
> on IRC and the forums.
> He's a good jack-of-all-trades and has the time necessary for a project
> such as this.  Please join me in welcoming him as our new Arch
> Overlord.  :)
> Though I will still be around for discussions and anything else I can
> do for Arch (within my feeble time constraints), I feel this is the
> time to say Goodbye, at least as leader.  I will still be around as
> Arch's Number One Cheerleader, but not as its visionary.
> To Developers and Community: Thank you so very very much. You've helped
> build something that has changed my life in many ways and I look back
> on the years with a fondness and admiration, still a bit incredulous at
> all the talent that has formed around Arch Linux.  We have much to be
> proud of.
> Thank you all for the last 6 years, and cheers to a bright future
> together.

Wow, I feel bombarded with Judd today. Two entries in my feed reader,
one in my mail.

I know we already talked about this in private, but I want to really
thank you for all the work you've done.

I remember when I first found Linux. I hopped around from all kinds of
distros. I think my longest stints were with SuSe and gentoo, oddly
enough. I just couldn't find anything that I "liked".

And then, by sheer chance, I happened upon Arch and.... well, I guess
we all know how it went from there. I earned my linux tenure, as it
were, here with a lot of you people. (I think I'm still rocking the
"Number 1 Poster" on the forums, though I rarely visit them anymore -
7058 posts, oh my!)

I think most of us have found a sort of home here with Arch. With what
you created. And for that, I really do thank you.

One of these days, I owe ya a beer.

And thanks everyone for the support. It's nice to know I didn't piss
off too many people, but, hey, the night is still young!

- Aaron

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