Damir Perisa wrote:
> you mean your script takes the whole CRAN and makes pkgs from it? 
> automatically? that would indeed be the solution. i have locally just 
> having some pkgs i use often. the reason why i prefer pacman to the R 
> internal installation things is, that in pacman, every system-file 
> belongs to a pkg (pacman -Qo /some/file) and this keeps the system 
> much cleaner. together with my /etc backup, i can just move to any 
> other ocmputer by just taking the package list with me. 
> the pain with CRAN was the dependences... but if your script is taking 
> every pkg and makes the coresponding PKGBUILD with the correct deps, 
> its great! i would even consider adding it to the repos together with 
> all the pkgs, if there is need for it.
> - D
I have made a post in the forum about my script for installing R 
packages. See http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=286256 .  It 
still needs some work but I can do "cranpkg -i genetics" and it will 
create and install packages for the genetics library and its 
dependencies.  You will need to alter the LIBDIR variable if you are 
using R from testing with the cleaned up paths.

It would be great if people would let me know any failures/success.


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