
I am interested in contributing to Arches as part of GSOC 2014. I worked on 
a project similar to Arches, namely History visualizer. The idea of the 
project was to have a web based visualizing tool, which crowd sources 
historical event related data from the user community. The tool provides 
three types of visualizations: through space, through time and both space 

I found great relevance between history visualizer and the GSOC 2014 
projects : Improve temporal based searching and Improve Representation of 

In History Visualizer, we've used a timeline glider to provide 
visualization through space. The timeline goes from the granularity of a 
century to a day and gives the temporal spread of the historical event. 
Events can be searched based on the start time currently. You can find the 
link to the page at : 
To relate space and time, we had the following layout: 
http://web2py.tusharonweb.in/maps_recent/default/space_time.html where on 
moving the glider on the timeline, the user can see all historic events at 
that particular time on the corresponding geographical spaces. Eg: If the 
glider is moved to 1942, then the map shows all historic events in 1942 at 
the corresponding geographic locations as a marker. 

Unfortunately, this was built a year and a half ago using Google Maps API 
V2 which is now deprecated. Thus some of the javascript functionalities 
arent working. I am working on upgrading this so as to present the working 
model. Till then, interested people can find the wireframe of the website, 
via screenshots at : 

I would love to discuss the ideas of the above mentioned arches projects 
with the mentors. It would be great if someone in the group can connect me 
with the mentors as the contact details have not been mentioned on the 
ideas page. 

Sindhu Kiranmai

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