Adam, thanks for your efforts. I think there may be a way to achieve this 
with export/import schema in RDM, but I haven't tried this aproach yet.

I have one more question regarding this: is there a way to translate field 
names in search dropdown which doesn't have authority documents (for 
example: Name.E41, Title.E41, Description.E62, ...)?

Thanks, Bojan

On Tuesday, December 1, 2015 at 12:45:26 AM UTC+1, Adam Lodge wrote:
> Bojan,
> It is true that there is no way way to distinguish the language of one 
> label versus another within the same authority document.  The authority 
> document csv format was designed to sacrifice flexibility for ease of use. 
>  I’ll put some thought on how to approach the problem of bulk loading many 
> concepts in differing languages.
> Adam
> -- 
> Adam Lodge
> Geospatial Systems Consultant
> Farallon Geographics
> 415.317.6625
> On Monday, November 30, 2015 at 3:40 PM, Bojan Kastelic wrote:
> Adam, thanks for quick reply.
> Your solution works great when I have only one language, but my project 
> have three languages! I've already implemented changing UI language from 
> dropdown menu 'Languages' and that works great, but I want to change 
> concepts labels in dropdown lists and report also. 
> I'll wait for Aleksei if he has some further advice about that.
> I've also checked the code for importing concepts from authority files 
> ( and I am afraid that all labels imports only for one 
> language (settings.LANGUAGE_CODE). I hope there is another way to import 
> concept labels in multiple languages.
> Best, Bojan
> On Monday, November 30, 2015 at 11:05:28 PM UTC+1, Adam Lodge wrote:
> Hi Bojan, 
> The key here is going to be getting your new language added to the 
> d_languages table, and setting the “isdefulat” value to true, and setting 
> the existing en-us language set to false.  That way, Arches has a way to 
> know that it should display labels from your language rather than english.
> I understand from Alexei, however, that there may be a a bug in properly 
> retrieving concepts for dropdowns in languages other than English. He has 
> built a fix, but hasn’t tested it thoroughly enough to commit to the repo. 
>  He will likely chime in with some further words to give you a path forward 
> on that.
> As far as importing authority documents in other languages - the key 
> remains the same.  Arches assumes that your authority documents are in 
> whatever you have deemed to be the default language.  Therefore, you want 
> to make sure that your language is added to the d_languages table and it is 
> set as the only default language before you import your auth docs.  The way 
> I would do that is by modifying the db_data.sql file that runs on Arches 
> install.  Look at line 24 which is the one that populates english as the 
> default language.  I would modify that statement with the following:
> INSERT INTO d_languages VALUES (’[YL-01]', ‘[YOUR_LANGUAGE]', true);
> INSERT INTO d_languages VALUES ('en-US', 'ENGLISH', false);
> Best,
> Adam
> -- 
> Adam Lodge
> Geospatial Systems Consultant
> Farallon Geographics
> 415.317.6625
> On Monday, November 30, 2015 at 1:04 PM, Bojan Kastelic wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm working on localization of my Arches project and so far I have 
> successfully implemented UI translations, but I have problems with concepts 
> translations (for dropdown lists). As I understand, each concept can have 
> multiple labels in different languages. I manually entered additional 
> (translated) labels in RDM, but when I change the language, only static 
> (UI) text changes, whereas the concept labels (in dropdown lists and 
> report) stay the same (the last label for each concept).
> What am I doing wrong? Is this approach (using labels for translations) 
> right? Do all labels have to be marked as preferred (prefLabel)? What am I 
> missing? 
> And if I can get this work, how can I import labels for different 
> languages through Authority Files (there is no language field)?  
> Regards, Bojan
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