Hi Alexei,

I got the error with:
arches-app create hipAvenches --app arches_hip
notice CamelCase in: hip*A*venches

following line worked without issues:
arches-app create hipavenches --app arches_hip
notice all lower case: hip*a*venches


notice: hip*a*venches

On Thursday, December 24, 2015 at 7:53:35 PM UTC+1, Alexei Peters wrote:
> Hi Anjo,
> I'm glad that you solved the problem, but I'm still unclear what the issue 
> was.  You mentioned a camel case issue but, looking at the commands you 
> previously ran, it looks like you installed the arches_hip application with 
> all lower case (see email from Dec 21). 
> Was it this command that was giving you issues?
> arches-app create hipAvenches --app arches_hip
> Thanks for clarifying.
> Cheers,
> Alexei
> Director of Web Development - Farallon Geographics, Inc. - 971.227.3173
> On Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 9:39 AM, Anjo Weichbrodt <anjo.we...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Dear Adam,
>> today I got a hint  from a college (Matthias Kuhn -  a QGIS guy) 
>> indicating that the problem might be related to CamelCase incompatibility 
>> of one of the components. I installed the arches_hip module with all 
>> low-cases and it solved the problem.
>> Anyways, thank you so much for your help.
>> Happy holidays,
>> Anjo
>> On Tuesday, December 22, 2015 at 4:14:05 PM UTC+1, Adam Cox wrote:
>>> Hi Anjo, I just made a new install on a brand new Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit 
>>> server instance, and it worked fine. Logged into an AWS instance as 
>>> 'ubuntu' user.  The only things I would like to check with you are:
>>> Just to double check that you downloaded the the ubuntu_trusty_setup.sh 
>>> script that is linked in the documentation.
>>> https://bitbucket.org/arches/arches3/raw/4f8ffdafb043cf2f6ad009d4738e94202eb529dd/arches/install/ubuntu_trusty_setup.sh
>>> I didn't use chmod on it though, just downloaded it and then
>>> ~$ . ubuntu_trusty_setup.sh
>>> I did have to sudo install pip and use sudo to get virtualenv.
>>> Just in case it's helpful, here are the contents and permissions of 
>>> everything in the home directory (where I did the whole successful install).
>>> [image: Inline image 1]
>>> Otherwise, we followed all of the same steps, so I'm not sure what else 
>>> could be going on...
>>> Adam
>>> On Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 1:26 AM, Anjo Weichbrodt <anjo.we...@gmail.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Dear Adam,
>>>> I tried the installation with a normal user. It comes out the same.
>>>> I tried  as well to install arches on Ubuntu 14.04 x64 and 14.04 x32 
>>>> with same result.
>>>> Following I share the precise command sequence which brings me to the 
>>>> error message.
>>>> Thanks so much for your support,
>>>> Anjo
>>>> sudo chmod +x ubuntu_trusty_setup.sh
>>>> ./ubuntu_trusty_setup.sh
>>>> apt-get install python-pip
>>>> pip install virtualenv==1.11.4
>>>> mkdir arches
>>>> cd arches
>>>> virtualenv ENV
>>>> source ENV/bin/activate
>>>> pip install arches
>>>> pip install arches_hip
>>>> arches-app create hipAvenches --app arches_hip
>>>> cd hipAvenches/
>>>> python manage.py packages -o setup_elasticsearch
>>>> ### in new terminal 
>>>> ./arches/hipAvenches/hipAvenches/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-1.4.1/bin/
>>>> elasticsearche...
>>>> ### first terminal ###
>>>> python manage.py packages -o install
>>>> --> *django.db.utils.OperationalError: FATAL: database 
>>>> “arches_my_hip_app” does not exist*
>>>> On Monday, December 21, 2015 at 5:32:00 PM UTC+1, Adam Cox wrote:
>>>>> Hi Anjo, it may be a problem that you are doing all of this as the 
>>>>> root user.  On ubuntu 14.04 I've always used the 'ubuntu' user, even for 
>>>>> running the setup script.  It seems like you ran it as the root user, so 
>>>>> maybe trying redoing the whole process as ubuntu.  The error messages you 
>>>>> posted from the setup script seem to point in that direction...
>>>>> On Monday, December 21, 2015 at 2:21:15 AM UTC-6, Anjo Weichbrodt 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Adam,
>>>>>> I double checked for elasticresearch and it is running. I performed a 
>>>>>> reinstall getting rid of previous error massages but the 
>>>>>> "django.db.utils.OperationalError" still persists.
>>>>>> Thank, Anjo
>>>>>> On Wednesday, December 16, 2015 at 4:50:42 PM UTC+1, Adam Cox wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Anjo, from all the "connection" related messages in the extended 
>>>>>>> errors that you posted, it looks like you don't have elasticsearch 
>>>>>>> running.  Can you double-check that part of your installation process?  
>>>>>>> Just be sure that elasticsearch is running before you run the install 
>>>>>>> command.
>>>>>>> Adam
>>>>>>> On Wednesday, December 16, 2015 at 2:49:19 AM UTC-6, Anjo Weichbrodt 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I checked some messages which appeared when I ran the lines from 
>>>>>>>> the installation script *ubuntu_trusty_setup.sh*
>>>>>>>> Could that be related to the problem?
>>>>>>>> (ENV)root@ubuntu-512mb-fra1-01:~# sudo -u postgres psql -d 
>>>>>>>> template_postgis_20 -c "GRANT ALL ON geometry_columns TO PUBL          
>>>>>>>>     IC;"
>>>>>>>> could not change directory to "/root": Permission denied
>>>>>>>> GRANT
>>>>>>>> (ENV)root@ubuntu-512mb-fra1-01:~# sudo -u postgres psql -d 
>>>>>>>> template_postgis_20 -c "GRANT ALL ON geography_columns TO PUB          
>>>>>>>>     LIC;"
>>>>>>>> could not change directory to "/root": Permission denied
>>>>>>>> GRANT
>>>>>>>> (ENV)root@ubuntu-512mb-fra1-01:~# sudo -u postgres psql -d 
>>>>>>>> template_postgis_20 -c "GRANT ALL ON spatial_ref_sys TO PUBLI          
>>>>>>>>     C;"
>>>>>>>> could not change directory to "/root": Permission denied
>>>>>>>> GRANT
>>>>>>>> On Wednesday, December 16, 2015 at 5:04:04 AM UTC+1, Adam Cox wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Anjo, it does sound like something is wrong.  I just wanted to 
>>>>>>>>> mention that detail about error messages because it may look as 
>>>>>>>>> though the 
>>>>>>>>> initial installation begins with an error, but it's really just a 
>>>>>>>>> note.  
>>>>>>>>> The message would just read
>>>>>>>>> NOTICE: database "arches_my_hip_app" does not exist, skipping DROP 
>>>>>>>>> DATABASE
>>>>>>>>> and then the installation would continue from there.  But that's 
>>>>>>>>> not what's going on it your case, so it does appear that there's an 
>>>>>>>>> issue.
>>>>>>>>> One thing to mention is that the template you're referring to is 
>>>>>>>>> just for the PostGIS geometry database that arches uses as a template 
>>>>>>>>> for 
>>>>>>>>> it's own geometry tables.  If you have
>>>>>>>>> DATABASES['default']['POSTGIS_TEMPLATE'] = 'template_postgis_20'
>>>>>>>>> in your settings file, and you can confirm that that is the name 
>>>>>>>>> of the PostGIS template you see in pgAdmin, then your problem should 
>>>>>>>>> not be 
>>>>>>>>> coming from that template, but from somewhere else.
>>>>>>>>> Unfortunately, I'm not sure where else to look.  If you can find 
>>>>>>>>> post any other error messages that you get, that would be useful to 
>>>>>>>>> others 
>>>>>>>>> that may have some idea what's going on...  Screenshots are the best.
>>>>>>>>> Good luck!
>>>>>>>>> Adam
>>>>>>>>> On Tuesday, December 15, 2015 at 11:59:54 AM UTC-6, Anjo 
>>>>>>>>> Weichbrodt wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Adam,
>>>>>>>>>> thank you so much for your quick reply. 
>>>>>>>>>> The installation finishes with the 
>>>>>>>>>> *django.db.utils.OperationalError: 
>>>>>>>>>> FATAL: database “arches_my_hip_app” does not exist’ *To me it 
>>>>>>>>>> looks like the entire error message. When checking the entries with 
>>>>>>>>>> *pgAdmin* I can find 'template_postgis_20'.
>>>>>>>>>> In your answer you said that:
>>>>>>>>>>> The very first time that you install a package, you should get a 
>>>>>>>>>>> warning that the *arches_my_hip_app *database does not exist, 
>>>>>>>>>>> but the installation should proceed properly without any problem.
>>>>>>>>>> Do you suggest that the error message is normal and there might 
>>>>>>>>>> not be a problem?
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>>>>>>>> Anjo
>>>>>>>>>> On Tuesday, December 15, 2015 at 6:12:12 PM UTC+1, Adam Cox wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Anjo, was that the entirety of your error message?  If not, 
>>>>>>>>>>> could you post the whole thing?  The very first time that you 
>>>>>>>>>>> install a 
>>>>>>>>>>> package, you should get a warning that the *arches_my_hip_app 
>>>>>>>>>>> *database 
>>>>>>>>>>> does not exist, but the installation should proceed properly 
>>>>>>>>>>> without any 
>>>>>>>>>>> problem.
>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 7:30 AM, Anjo Weichbrodt <
>>>>>>>>>>> anjo.we...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>>>>>>>>> When I would like to create a database with the command:
>>>>>>>>>>>> (ENV)$ python manage.py packages -o install
>>>>>>>>>>>> I get the following error message:
>>>>>>>>>>>> *django.db.utils.OperationalError: FATAL: database 
>>>>>>>>>>>> “arches_my_hip_app” does not exist’*
>>>>>>>>>>>> The template was created with the name ‘template_postgis_20'. I 
>>>>>>>>>>>> followed the *Arches *and *Arche-Hip* installation guide 
>>>>>>>>>>>> through the installation.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I am running *Arches *on 
>>>>>>>>>>>> *Ubuntu 14.04.3 x64*Thank you for your help,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Anjo
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