Hi Adam,
thanks for a quick reply. I tried your fix and it works!

I haven't noticed double-click zooming issue before because in my current 
project I use mouse wheel zoom. But in my next project I'll leave original 
Arches zoom behaviour (double click), so I hope you'll soon find a fix for 
that issue, too.

Thanks again, Bojan

On Monday, January 11, 2016 at 9:59:45 PM UTC+1, Adam Cox wrote:
> Hi Bojan, I've found that it's actually similar to a fix that I added a 
> while ago to support the lat/long display in firefox. In both cases, the 
> problems were event properties in use that are supposed to return the pixel 
> position but are not supported in Firefox. Luckily, there are more 
> universal properties that can be used and the fix is very simple.
> 1. copy the arches/app/media/js/views/map.js file from the arches site 
> package to your app
> 2. find this function at line 122:
>             this.map.on('click', function(e) {
>                 var clickFeature = self.map.forEachFeatureAtPixel(e.pixel, 
> function (feature, layer) {                    return feature;                
> });                self.trigger('mapClicked', e, clickFeature);            });
> 3. replace the whole function with this:
>             this.map.on('click', function(e) {
>                 var pixels = [e.originalEvent.layerX,e.originalEvent.layerY];
>                 var clickFeature = self.map.forEachFeatureAtPixel(pixels, 
> function (feature, layer) {
>                     return feature;                });                
> self.trigger('mapClicked', e, clickFeature);            });
> 4. be sure to do a hard refresh when you test it out (to be sure that the 
> new js is used).
> In the function below this one you can see the if/else statement that I 
> added a while ago to accommodate firefox.  I was just trying out the 
> e.originalEvent.layerX properties down there and they work, so once the 
> repo is migrated to github I can update both of those functions with these 
> properties and remove the if/else.
> Let me know how it works for you.
> On another note, I see that double-click zooming in on firefox is also 
> messed up.  I'm guessing it's related to these same properties, but I'm not 
> sure where to fix it yet...
> Adam
> On Monday, January 11, 2016 at 12:32:22 PM UTC-6, Adam Cox wrote:
>> Hi Bojan, I just checked this out, and it is very bizarre, and completely 
>> unusable.  Will look into it further...
>> On Saturday, January 9, 2016 at 3:24:23 AM UTC-6, Bojan Kastelic wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> is there any progress with map issues with Firefox (39 and higher)? I 
>>> reported this issue (https://github.com/archesproject/arches/issues/270) 
>>> quite some time ago and I am wondering if I am the only one who is bothered 
>>> by this issue - this bug affects all known live Arches installations.
>>> In my country (Slovenia) Firefox is one of the most popular browsers and 
>>> my next project with Arches is aiming mostly at Slovenian users. I am 
>>> afraid that if this issue is not resolved soon, it will substantially 
>>> affect the success of the project. Is there at least some workaround for 
>>> this issue?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Bojan

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