HI Adam and Richard, along these same lines I posted this issue a while 
ago: https://github.com/archesproject/arches/issues/267.  The big advantage 
I see in dumping everything into a .arches/.relations file is that you 
could then use any manner programming/basic find and replace operations to 
make alterations across the whole database.  Then you can reload it with 
any new node names or conceptids that you've incorporated.

The big disadvantage is that a .arches file of the size that Richard is 
working with would be monumentally large and the loading process would take 
a *lot *of time and memory.  Also, manipulating a text file that size may 
not be feasible at all.


On Thursday, January 14, 2016 at 9:28:14 AM UTC-6, Richard Jennings wrote:
> Hi Adam,
> Thanks for your reply. I had some success and have spent the day exploring 
> our database within Postgres via pgAdmin! I re-read the Arches 
> documentation entitled 'Physical Data Model' and looked at your 
> ontology-resources-reference data figure and now understand that the data 
> is stored in Postgres within 'strings'  'domains' 'entity type' etc tables, 
> rather than tables such as 'Heritage Resource Group' or other fields like 
> this which I was initially searching for. These are stored within 
> Schemas/data/tables, which I saw yesterday but did not make the connection 
> that this is where all of our data resides. I ran queries such as 'SELECT * 
> FROM data.strings' and the data appeared! It is very instructive to look at 
> how it all fits together in the back-end. It helps me understand 
> conceptually about Arches. I can also see that UUIDs in the 'relations' 
> table are present and link measurement unit to type to value.  
> Hopefully you have some thoughts on the export configuration file as it 
> would be great to be able to export the data out in the manner expressed in 
> my first email.
> I will definitely look at the back-up options now.
> Many thanks, 
> Richard
> On Thursday, January 14, 2016 at 3:03:20 PM UTC, Adam Lodge wrote:
>> Richard, 
>> I am putting some thought to this for you and will try to respond shortly 
>> with a more complete answer.  
>> But, first things first… this may be obvious, but before you drop your 
>> postgres database containing production data, please be sure to use the 
>> backup command in postgres to take an “as-is” snapshot of your database. 
>>  This will give you a backout plan that at least keeps the current state of 
>> your production database intact just in case things go haywire in your 
>> export/import workflow.
>> Documentation on the Postgres backup command here: 
>> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/backup.html
>> Also - there is UI within PgAdmin that uses the backup/restore 
>> functionality referenced above. It’s very easy to use.
>> Best,
>> Adam
>> -- 
>> Adam Lodge
>> Geospatial Systems Consultant
>> Farallon Geographics
>> On Wednesday, January 13, 2016 at 12:11 PM, Richard Jennings wrote:
>> Hi All, 
>> I hope you are well and Happy New Year! I am in the process of modifying 
>> our Arches database and would like some help please. We created a version 
>> around two months ago which is on a server and in production mode with many 
>> records entered. In the meantime, I have made some design changes 
>> (concurrently in a separate offline version) in which I have added some new 
>> resource nodes, which means from my understanding means that we need to 
>> re-drop the database to apply the changes. This will overwrite the existing 
>> data so I need to export this data out first. I have now finished the 
>> modifications and am ready to begin this phase. 
>> The following tasks are ahead as I see it: 
>> 1. Export the data out of the live database on the server (.csv file 
>> using json)
>> 2. Overwrite the database on the sever (once the data is safely exported) 
>> by installing the most recent Arches and HIP updates on to the server (I've 
>> not done this yet while I have been in the middle of the changes)
>> 3. Drop the new version of the database on the server
>> 4. Copy over the new resource graphs, authority files and template 
>> changes etc that I've made on the offline version on to the clean new 
>> Arches database on the server
>> 5. Reconfigure the exported data into .arches format
>> 6. Batch upload into the new database
>> Problems that I welcome that your advice:
>> 1. Data export. Is it possible to retain groupings made during data 
>> entry? For example in the Measurement form, if there are multiple 
>> measurements taken of a given resource, such as length, width and height, 
>> each with different associated units and values, when I export the values 
>> in the json file, it gives one row per ArchesID, and separates the values 
>> in the different variables numerically or alphabetically via semicolons. 
>> The problem we have is that the relationship is not shown between them. For 
>> instance, we don't know which unit corresponds to which measurement value. 
>> (Forgive me if you set this out more clearly in the latest upgrades). It 
>> has me wondering as well, when you have multiple nodes that are linked by 
>> the single Add button, such as for Measurements or Components, name and 
>> name type, how are these relationships saved in the database if there is 
>> more than one set of values added? Is there a group ID assigned to them in 
>> the same way that we use a Group ID when we do the batch uploads? 
>> 2. To explore these queries further I thought I would consult the backend 
>> of the database via pgAdmin III. However, while I can locate the arches 
>> database that I dropped, I am unsure whereabouts within this database that 
>> our data is stored.
>> Many thanks in advance and thanks for all your hard work.
>> Best wishes
>> Richard
>> -- 
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