Hi David,

It sounds like you are on the right track, and that's awesome. Here's some 
information that might help push you along. I'm going to work my way 
backwards from the error you encountered.

The error you're seeing in your concepts file appears when a concept node 
in a resource model or branch is not associated with a concept collection 
from the RDM.

A little background on the concepts file . . . the concepts file 
(Assets_concepts.json) was/is meant to assist Arches users in looking up 
valueid's of concepts from the RDM. Until recently it was necessary to use 
these valueids in your business data CSV files. With few exceptions, you 
can now use the value itself in your CSV file and Arches will figure out 
the valueid 'behind the scenes' on import. The concepts file lists all the 
concept (and concept-value-list, and domain, and domain-value-list) nodes 
in a resource model and all the valid values that can be used in your 
business data csv to populate that node.

Back to your error . . . nodes in a resource model or branch of data type 
concept (or concept-value-list) are 'fed' by a collection of concepts. This 
collection is stored in the Collections tab of the RDM. But the Arches user 
must tell the node which collection will be the source of that nodes 
values. You can assign a collection to a node in the graph manager by 
clicking on the node then going to the node config panel (between the 
resource model diagram and the node list in the graph manager) and 
selecting the collection in the Concept Collection dropdown and clicking 
save. The node will now know that values from the assigned collection are 
valid input values. The concept file will now also know which collection is 
associated with that node and in turn, the list of valid values for that 
node as well. 

In your case you can create a Style and Identifier Type collection in the 
RDM from your imported concepts by selected the Top Node from the Thesauri 
tab of the RDM then clicking Manage -> Make Collection. Once your 
collection is created follow the steps above to associate the collection to 
the correct node in the graph manager.

If this all seems to onerous, there's no harm in loading the DISCO package, 
deleting out the business data and replacing it with your own. Deleting the 
business data with the remove_resources command should not modify either 
the RDM or the resource models.

Let us know how it goes.


On Sunday, January 14, 2018 at 3:52:53 AM UTC-8, David Osborne wrote:
> I am working on setting up a new HER installation and would like to model 
> it, more or less, on the structures used by Lincoln in the demo data. Some 
> of the reference data, such as building periods and archaeological periods, 
> need to be supplemented, extended or replaced, so I have worked out how to 
> construct a thesaurus from a directory of CSV files, using the 
> add_uuid_to_csvs and thesaurus_from_csvs utilities from Adam's Github repo 
> *fpan-data* which he mentioned on the forum in September. However, when 
> trying to judiciously add to that only some of the Lincoln reference data 
> CSVs (and ignoring those from the DISCO project), I must have missed some 
> crucial steps: if I try download the mapping for the Assets resource model, 
> my Assets_concepts.json file says that each concept such as *Style* or 
> *External 
> Identifier Type* "does not appear to be configured with a valid concept 
> collectionid". My problem is that I realise I don't yet fully understand 
> the inter-relationships between all the parts of the reference data.
> What would be the simplest course of action to load our relatively small 
> initial set of HER data (only 205 sites/buildings), to have it ready for an 
> important demo in just over two weeks' time? At present, I'm thinking: load 
> the DISCO_data package; delete all the resources from the database via the 
> command-line; delete all the DISCO reference data/models via the web 
> interface; then load our data from CSV, with appropriate fields edited to 
> use the uuids of the relevant concepts.
> Can I safely delete anything relating to the DISCO project without 
> affecting the HER structures?
> It would be nice to use our thesaurus, if it's just a simple matter of 
> referring to its uuids for items such as building type instead of the 
> nearest Lincoln equivalent, or is more work needed to make the thesaurus 
> usable than generating the XML file using Adam's *fpan-data* utilities 
> mentioned above? At a pinch, we could just use the Lincoln terms for now 
> and move to using our thesaurus later: it's essential to have something 
> working by the end of the month which resembles the Lincoln demo but 
> displays our data instead!
> Any suggestions welcome. I can upload some files I'm using, if that would 
> help, just let me know what would be useful to see.
> Thanks in advance,
> David

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