Hi Angela, yes, the bounds don't control where you are able to create or 
view resources. As described in the documentation, they really only affect 
the extent of the hex bins layer that is added to the map by default. Also, 
they are used for the default map zoom, but as you've noticed I'm sure, if 
there are any resources in the database, the map automatically zooms to 
them anyway (default behavior after search). However, it does start zooming 
from the extent of the hex bins.

Regarding the hex bins, one way that the bbox does really matter is that, 
as I mentioned in the in-app help in the system settings page, you could 
easily overload the browser by have a small hex bin size and a large bbox 
(on chrome I found the page to just crash in certain situations). So it is 
important be able to reduce the bbox size if you are hoping to have small 
hex bins.

Hope that helps,

On Monday, January 22, 2018 at 3:03:32 AM UTC-6, Angela Feliu wrote:
> Hello everyone
> I have installed arches v4 and I would like to know why even I have drawn 
> a polygon in map settings (in the same page says Draw a polygon 
> representing your project's extent. These bounds will serve as the default 
> for the cache seed bounds, search result grid bounds, and map bounds in 
> search, cards, and reports)
> I can still search and edit features out of these box.
> Thanks in advance

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