Hey Rob, this worked great! Thanks for the quick response.

One other thing I'm noticing is that the generalizing that there seems to
be a default, non-zero value for "simplify"... I removed that parameter
because simplifying adjacent polygons created gaps at some zoom levels.
However, it wasn't until I explicitly set "simplify":0 that it actually
rendered without any simplification. Ultimately, it would probably be best
to make a separate postgis that has the outlines as lines, not polygons,
and add that into the mix.


On Mon, Jan 29, 2018 at 12:20 PM, Rob Gaston <rgas...@fargeo.com> wrote:

> Hi Adam,
> You should be able to handle this by using the “clip” parameter for the
> VecTiles provider (see here: http://tilestache.org/doc/TileStache.Goodies.
> VecTiles.server.html).
> Here’s a quick example using the “rivers.json” file, note the “clip”
> parameter included in the provider definition:
> {
> "type": "vector",
> "layers": [{
> "id": "rivers",
> "type": "line",
> "source": "rivers",
> "source-layer": "rivers",
> "layout": {
> "visibility": "visible"
> },
> "paint": {
> "line-width": 2,
> "line-color": "rgb(37, 58, 241)"
> }
> }],
> "config": {
> "provider": {
> "class": "TileStache.Goodies.VecTiles:Provider",
> "kwargs": {
> "dbinfo": {
> "host": "localhost",
> "user": "postgres",
> "password": "postgis",
> "database": "arches",
> "port": "5432"
> },
> "simplify": 0.5,
> “clip": false,
> "queries": [
> "select gid as __id__, name, st_asgeojson(geom) as geojson,
> st_transform(geom, 900913) as __geometry__ from rivers"
> ]
> }
> },
> "allowed origin": "*",
> "compress": true,
> "write cache": false
> }
> }
> You should note: in some cases (depending on the resolution and size of
> your geometries) turning off clipping may impact performance as the entire
> geometry will be included in your tiles.  I think that turning clipping off
> is really only useful for layers where you need a polygon outline style.  I
> would imagine that in most cases the performance impact of this can be
> mitigated by tuning your simplification and cache parameters.
> - Rob
> On Jan 29, 2018, at 9:46 AM, Adam Cox <mr.adam...@gmail.com> wrote:
> While trying to add a new tileserver layer to my Arches 4.0.1
> installation, I came across a rendering issue that I'm wondering if anyone
> else has dealt with. My layer is a postgis table of polygons, and in QGIS
> it shows up just fine (these are boundaries of multi-county regions in
> Florida). However, when I make a tileserver layer in Arches from it, I get
> the following result, which has an extra perpendicular grid that is
> non-existent in the dataset.
> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-lrfenYtfbMs/Wm9cUm_glfI/AAAAAAAAB0A/FXMvWrQ54p8TlyR2Xv7DgeOpJDPTe1gqQCLcBGAs/s1600/tileserver%2Bissue.png>
> From the way this grid shows up (variably at different zoom levels, etc.),
> I can tell it's an outline of the actual tiles themselves. Does anyone know
> how to fix this? In the Arches Map Layer manager, I have the following for
> the Service Styling:
> [
> {
> "layout": {
> "visibility": "visible"
> },
> "paint": {
> "fill-color": "#343434"
> },
> "source": "FPAN Regions",
> "source-layer": "FPAN Regions",
> "type": "fill",
> "id": "fpan_region"
> },
>         {
> "layout": {
> "visibility": "visible"
> },
> "paint": {
> "line-color": "#ee0000",
> "line-width": 2
> },
> "source": "FPAN Regions",
> "source-layer": "FPAN Regions",
> "type": "line",
> "id": "fpan_region-outline"
> }
> ]
> Thanks!
> Adam
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